Fat reducing techniques

The only fat reducing technique that is prooved to be 100% satisfaction by the viewers is that try to top input of extra fat to your body and concentrate in reducing the fat already stored in the stomach by making it to be used by the body.How can i make it?.The answer is that it depends how you select your food type and timing you eat it frequently.And the second thing is running which help your body to kick start the usage of fat in your stomach.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to Reduce Fat in Your Diet

What food to eat to reduce fat?

Reducing fat in your diet doesn't mean you will face a life of tasteless dry meals and fat-free cookie boxes in your cupboards. Whether you need to lose weight or just trim the fat, the following steps will help you achieve your dietary goals.

Follow the step to loose fat and gain health:

  1. Check healthy cookbooks for tasty new recipe ideas.
  2. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet. Eat them raw whenever possible.
  3. Use vegetable cooking sprays rather than fat or oils when you cook.
  4. Select low-fat or nonfat alternatives when they're available. Choose nonfat yogurt over regular, for example.
  5. Decrease or eliminate animal products that are high in fat. This includes red meat, poultry and some dairy products, such as whole milk, cream and butter. If you do eat meat, choose the leanest cuts of meat, poultry and fish available.
  6. Reduce the amount of nuts, nut butters and olives that you eat. All are high in fat.
  7. Snack on fresh fruit, chips that are baked rather than fried, or air-popped popcorn.
  8. Eat low-fat cheese and drink skim milk.
  9. Watch labels. Low-calorie does not always mean low-fat.So try using low fat items most importantly rich in proteins and fiber.

List of foods to eat to maintain flat stomach

First of all you must know the Truth to get abs. Many people do many exercise and tough gym practise still they don't get the slim flat stomach. The answer is here.

What reduces the fat in stomach?

The only way you can reduce your stomach fat is only by increasing your body metabolic rate.
How to do this?
It is simple and it depends on what kind of food you eat and how much you eat everyday.
Protein food is to be considered mainly to maintain a lean body with low fat.

Protein is essential for repairing, building, and preserving your muscle. Of course,
the more muscle that you can keep and build,the higher your metabolism. In addition,
protein is needed for the production of important hormones and enzymes.

One of the biggest reasons why protein plays a big role in your supportive eating is because protein does not spike your sugar level up.
The more your blood sugar is steady, the more fat your body can release to be utilize as energy.

Here are the 12 sources of high quality lean protein:

1. White egg omlette (hard boiled eggs)
2. Lean skinless chicken and turkey (white meat)
3. Wild Salmon
4. Lean beef
5. Tuna
6. Lean Pork
7. Sardines
8. Skim milk
9. Cottage Cheese (Fat Free)
10. Beans, nuts, legumes
11. Soy (Tofu)
12. Whey protein drinks.

The next is fiber which is important in cutting down fat storage near stomach."Fiber foods" include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds.

Top Foods That Are High in Fiber:

1. Broccoli
2. Spinach
3. Yellow and red peppers
4. Cauliflower
5. Kale
6. Sweet potatoes
7. Brown rice
8. Plain Oatmeal (my favorite breakfast food)
9. Tomatoes
10. Berries (extremely high in antioxidants which speed up your
11. Bananas (my simple carbohydrates after working out.)
12. Legumes, beans, nuts.

To know about fiber also view fiber info.

Drink a glass of wine a day

Don't start drinking wine just to fight ab fat, but if you enjoy a glass with dinner, it's a great benefit. Some studies even suggest that light to moderate drinking protects against female midsection weight gain, compared with tee totaling.
Based on a review of data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics, one 4-ounce glass of red or white wine most days a week (up to 20 a month) seems to be best.

By just concentrating on food you cannot get abs i.e 6 packs for which everyone are crazy. You must simultaneously look in keeping your body fit by doing proper exercise with equal intervals daily. Know what Exercise To do and Not to do to get six packs.
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What food to eat to get fat free abs?

Reasons you not getting after exercise:
Since the fat that is currently covering your abs is hindering them from showing, solving this problem will be the solution to getting six pack abs. Some foods are very helpful when trying to get flat abs.
The following food can be considered to get abs:
Green Vegetables
When it comes to diet foods, green vegetables top the list of what you need. Green vegetables work so well because they are low in calories and have a high volume content.
They also contain a variety of nutrients, making them an excellent choice for helping to increase the nutritional content of your diet as well.
Also these vegetables make you feel fullness in your body for a long time.

Broth-based Soup
The food you should include more often in your six pack abs diet is broth based soup.
These are typically quite low in calories and will create the sensation of fullness, just as a warm beverage would do.
You really do need to try and get protein in with each meal you choose to eat in order to help promote a good rate of fat loss.
Further, if you take the time to toss in some frozen vegetables you will help to increase the nutrition content even more, making this really a complete meal.
You really do need to try and get protein in with each meal you choose to eat in order to help promote a good rate of fat loss.


Almonds are a lot higher in calories and fat than some other foods, they are also an excellent source of healthy fat and will help to keep you feeling fuller longer.
If you include almonds in your meal though, you will find that you stay satisfied for a considerably lengthier period of time.
Do note though that it doesn't take much to accomplish this and you do need to pay attention to how many you are eating because of the fact they are higher in calories.

Cottage Che
Cottage cheese an excellent source of calcium, but it also contains a very slow digesting form of protein that will help to provide your muscles with a good source of amino acids for a number of hours.
Since when you are trying to lose body fat you want to minimize muscle catabolism, this makes this factor even more critical to your success.


Finally this is an important thing that you have to concentrate on your diet.
"Fiber foods" include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds.
Adding fiber into your meal is crucial for overall health. Soluble Fiber absorbs water making you feel full for much longer time.
For example, plain oatmeal is high in soluble fiber which attract water to keep you satisfied for hours.
However, eating cereal that is high in sugar and low fiber cause you to get hungry quickly.
Insoluble fiber help move the food faster through the stomach and intestine to prevent constipation and other disease.It id recommended to consume about 25-35 grams of fibre per day.
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Monday, June 7, 2010

Truth about Fat free Abs

  1. Hi viewers, I'm glad that you arrived to the right website for the information you are searching for a long time.
  2. Many website offer a catchy display and finally ask a payout to know the truth of how to get abs(6 pack).
  3. The truth everyone must know is that abs does not make its way by gym exercise or starving your stomach.
  4. The reality is that abs are already there in your stomach behind the fat layer and they wouldn't appear until final layer of fat is removed from your stomach.
  5. So coming straight to the point you can get a flat 6 pack ab only by continuous workout for atleast three weeks .
  6. The workout involves to main things everyone must consider them patiently to remove fat completely from your stomach.
  1. Things to avoid to get flat ab are to be considered as follows:
  • Not starve your stomach often.
  • Avoid eating a lot of food at a time.
  • Avoid oily items in your food as it may top your fat reducing process.
  • Do not perform a lot of exercise and strain your muscles as it compress the fat and not removing it.
  • Do not use fat burners as it would affect your muscle strength badly in the future.
Things to do to get flat ab:
  • The first thing to do is to time your eating into 5 intervals in small amount .
  • Try to manage your fat products you eat and consume it 2/5 in a day that too in small amount.
  • Perform running in the morning time for 30 to 60 mins.
  • Try to eat fresh vegetables in the morning before running.
By following all the above said information depending on your patience and hard work you gat a neat flat Fat free Abs.Thank you for visiting my website.

: Some details said above are not enclosed mainly by fat burner seller even they know the truth.

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